Tips And Tricks For Recovering From A Caesarean Section Birth
A c-section is major abdominal surgery whereby several layers of tissue are cut to allow your baby to be born. With good movement and rest, recovery can be a little easier. . Here are some simple tips to help your recovery:
Birth Preparation Stretches
In preparation for giving birth vaginally, we want to ensure that your pelvic outlet can widen to its full capacity. During pregnancy, a number of hormones including estrogen and progesterone assist in softening the ligaments at the pelvic joints to allow the baby to pass through. We can compliment this by stretching the muscles around the pelvis and promoting optimal alignment in the weeks leading up to birth. Try these stretches yourself:
What is abdominal muscle separation?
Abdominal separation is a normal occurrence during pregnancy, however, many people experience abdominal separation long after they have given birth. Under professional guidance with a trained therapist this can be exercised and repaired.