Back Pain Relief
Back pain is one of the most common injuries we treat. It might be chronic back stiffness, or it might be a new acute incidence of back pain that is scary and debilitating.
No matter how many of your friends have it, back pain is NEVER normal and good physio can always help.
Common Back Injuries We Treat
Acute lower back pain
Injured discs (you might hear people say “slipped discs”, but there’s actually no such thing, discs don’t slip!)
Facet joint irritation
Unstable vertebrae
Lift and twist injuries
Spondylolisthesis and pars defects
Ankylosing spondylosis
Generalised upper, lower and mid back pain or stiffness
Rehabilitation following back or disc surgery
Sustained sitting pain or standing pain
Referred pain and pins and needles into the legs and feet
Flat back posture (loss of lumbar lordosis)
Sway back posture
Excessive lower back curvature
Chronic, persistent and repetitive lower back pain
Back Pain Treatment at Move Mountains Physio
Local assessment of your back pain to diagnose the injured tissue.
Referral for further scans for your back pain if required.
Assessment of vertebral instability.
Whole body assessment to determine the root cause of your back pain e.g. are your back muscles compensating for your abs being too tight.
Assessment of your core function and strength.
Teach you appropriate core activation and strengthening exercises to improve the alignment and stability of your back as required.
Quickly take away your pain with hands-on treatments such as muscle release or dry needling, or by teaching you self-release techniques and mobility exercises so you can relieve your own pain.
Teach you appropriate changes to your daily movements and postures so that you can sit, stand, walk and lift without back pain.
Improve your sleep by removing your back pain and educating you on good sleeping positions for your situation.
Tape your back injury to support it and promote healing as required.
Guide you through a personalised rehabilitation program to restore the strength and mobility to your back and return you to full function.
Do an ergonomic assessment of your work station to understand if this is contributing to your back pain.
Assessment of any sports technique or equpiment set-up that may be contributing to your back pain e.g. your running technique or bike set-up.
Back Pain Treatment At Home
If you are experiencing sudden, acute back pain, lie flat on your back or with a pillow under your knees and try some deep breathing into your belly. If you get stressed and anxious about the pain, it will make it worse.
Take a look at our blog "How To Recover From An Injury Faster"
Limit bed rest to one day if possible. Begin light movements as soon as possible but avoid high impact activities until your physio gives you the all clear.
Avoid long periods of sitting or standing and avoid the couch.
Try a heat pack, try a cold pack and go with whatever feels best for your back pain.
Avoid bending or twisting through your spine. To get in and out of bed, roll your body as if you were in a brace instead of doing a sit-up.
Take a look at these videos on good sitting and standing posture. Resetting your posture can have an immediate and significant effect on back pain.
Check out these videos or our blog on “Work Station Set-Up”. Setting up your environment to support healthy back posture can have a big impact to relieve your back pain.
Try some of our favourite stretch and release exercises to treat back pain at home.
One of the biggest causes of back pain is belly gripping (inappropriate activation of the abs). If you ever think about bracing your core or tightening your abs check out this video about the important difference between the abs and the core.
Take a look at our advice for good lifting technique.
For quick back pain relief, book in for an appointment with one of our Back Injury Specialists either online or in person in our Jindabyne Physiotherapy Clinic.
Or, if you’re still not sure, book in for a free 15-minute online consult so that we can discuss your back injury and how our unique treatment approach can alleviate your back pain.